Archive for the tag: Muscle

The 4 BEST Supplements To Build Muscle Faster (And How Much They Help) ft. Dr. Brad Schoenfeld

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One of the most common questions I get is, ‘What are the best supplements to build muscle? There’s a ton of misinformation out there when it comes to the best supplements for muscle building and strength. In this video I’ll share the 4 best supplements that are worth considering to build muscle faster.

There are 3 main reasons why whey protein powder can be considered one of the most effective muscle building supplements available. First off, it’s typically very low in fat and carbs and instead very high in protein content, which makes it very calorie and macro friendly when compared to other protein sources. Second, it’s convenient and can be used in many different ways to both save you time and add some more life into your diet. And lastly, it’s actually quite affordable when viewed at a price per gram basis, with the average cost of whey protein being comparable to that of chicken breast. This all just makes it easier for you to consistently reach the optimal daily protein intake that otherwise can be a struggle to hit, which is exactly how protein powder can indirectly speed up your growth.

Next is creatine, which, of all the supplements for muscle growth available, is probably the most well researched and science-backed one. Whenever we lift weights we use something called ATP, the main energy source for our muscles. As we lift, we deplete these ATP stores to the point where we can no longer perform anymore reps. This is where creatine comes in. It improves our strength and muscle endurance by facilitating a faster regeneration of ATP and enabling us to perform that extra rep or two or lift slightly more weight during our workouts. There does seem to be quite a bit of variation with regards to the response to creatine, though. Also, note that creatine doesn’t simply do the work for you. The benefits you get from supplementing with it only apply if you’re actually pushing yourself harder in your workouts as a result.

Next is caffeine (pre workout), arguably one of the best muscle building supplements. Caffeine ingestion prior to our workouts not only enhances our muscle contractions, but can also enable us to perform more reps by altering our pain thresholds and our perception of how hard we’re working. That said, those who consume caffeine on a regular basis tend to see somewhat of a blunted response to its ergogenic effects. So, what I’d recommend to avoid developing a caffeine tolerance too quickly. Reserve its use for workouts where you’ll reap the most benefit from it. For example, lower body workouts, early morning workouts, or days where you just need that extra kick.

For the final of the top supplements for building muscle, internationally renowned fitness expert and researcher Dr. Brad Schoenfeld adds beta-alanine to the list. When supplemented, beta-alanine facilitates increases in muscle carnosine levels. Carnosine acts as a hydrogen ion buffer. This is important for activities such as resistance training, sprinting, and other anaerobic forms of exercise, as there is a substantial buildup of lactic acid that occurs, which ultimately impairs performance. The buffering action of carnosine can help to delay fatigue from the associated hydrogen ion accumulation (acidosis) and thus enable performance of additional work (e.g. reps during lifting). It can, therefore, ultimately enhance muscle-building capacity. However, there is a fairly large degree of inter-individual variability.

So, hopefully you now know the answer to ‘What are the best supplements to build muscle?’ and you were able to see that supplements are not magic. You still need to put in the work and even then, they aren’t extremely effective. But, the little boosts you do get from each of these supplements can add up to a meaningful difference overtime, especially when you then pair this with the right training and nutrition program. And for a step-by-step program that uses science to guide you week after week with your training, your nutrition, and even your supplementation, so that you can truly maximize your results, then simply take the analysis quiz to discover which science-based program would be best for you and where your body is currently at below:


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Filmed by: Bruno Martin Del Campo


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Protein Powder: How to Best Use It For Muscle Growth (4 Things You Need to Know)

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Despite protein powder (or “protein shakes”) being by far the most widely consumed supplement within the fitness industry, most people are lost when it comes to how to choose the best type of protein and even moreso when it comes to how to best use protein powder to build muscle. In this video, I’ll cover everything you need to know about protein.

First off, let’s discuss the best type of protein. Although there’s several types of protein out there (whey protein, casein protein, plant-based protein, egg protein, hemp protein, vegan protein, pea protein, etc.) research shows that whey protein and casein protein are the two best options in terms of essential amino acid content and elevating protein synthesis. Whey is a fast-digesting protein whereas Casein is a slow-digesting protein. Research shows that Whey protein powder is superior to Casein protein powder and also has a slightly higher leucine content, so I’d stick with Whey – and more specifically, I’d stick with Whey isolate protein since it’s the purest form of Whey protein and contains the least lactose (if that’s an issue for you). However, as you’ll see, Casein does have a special application as well which you might want to consider. As for plant-based protein powders, although they spike protein synthesis to a smaller degree as animal-based protein powders do, this can be mitigated by ingesting a greater amount of plant protein powder and/or ensuring you get enough essential amino acids through your diet.

Next, when it comes to when to take it, most people think you have to take your protein shake immediately post-workout. But, research shows that it depends on whether or not you’re in a fed or fasted state. If you’ve had protein prior to your workout, a post-workout protein shake isn’t necessary and you can take it at anytime. Whereas if you worked out fasted, having it immediately post-workout is ideal. And if you haven’t eaten before the gym yet, then research suggests taking your Whey protein shake before your workout is the better option when compared to after.

As for how much to take, sticking to around 20-25g is enough to maximize protein synthesis – with 40g eliciting a slightly higher response. And as for how often to take it, you can take it daily (workout or not) to help you reach you goal daily protein intake.

Lastly, when it comes to what to take it with, although co-ingestion of protein powder with carbs and/or fats does slow down digestion, it does not affect protein synthesis rates. Thus meaning you can take it with whatever you’d prefer. With that being said, taking your protein powder with dairy milk when bulking and taking it with almond milk or water when cutting is a good option to help you easily increase/decrease your calorie intake.

Hope this helps!


Jeremy Ethier Built With Science Workout Programs




Whey and casein best:
Whey beats casein:
Plant protein:
When to take it:
Casein before bed:
20-25g protein:
40 vs 20g protein:
What to take it with:
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Stop taking supplements you can’t trust. Get Jeff Cavaliere’s exact supplements here

When it comes to taking supplements, there are a lot of questions as to when you should begin taking them and which ones are better than others. I think you have to start by breaking down the nutritional supplements into categories. In this video, I categorize multivitamins, specialty vitamins, protein powders, pre workouts, creatine, BCAA’s, creatine, omega-3’s and joint recovery formulas. Each group is discussed in relation to one of four age brackets regarding their appropriateness.

All of the supplements discussed are ones that I take myself and would recommend to others. You will not see any testosterone boosters or pro hormones because I don’t believe in them or recommend them to my viewers. Even the pre workout supplements must undergo severe scrutiny based on the dangers that have been shown to riddle that product category for the past couple of years.

All that said however, I make it very clear that any supplementation plan must start with a commitment to good nutrition. If you think that you are going to make up for a bad diet by taking supplements you are flat out fooling yourself, and likely wasting a lot of money. Supplements are meant to supplement a good nutrition plan. When you have a dedication to eating well, not perfect, but well…supplements can be a savior and a huge difference maker as they really help with the consistency needed to see great results.

Some manufacturers want you to believe that their supplement will help you overcome poor nutrition. They will make you think that you can simply sleep your way to a six pack. It’s laughable and dishonest to say the least. The hard truth of the matter is that high quality nutrition is a must if you want to really see the fastest and best results possible.

That said, ATHLEAN-X is committed to both proper nutrition and high quality, safe supplements. Through our X-Factor meal plan, available in the ATHLEAN-X Training System, and the Rx supplements we provide our program followers with all the tools needed to make a big difference in how they look in just 90 days. If you want to get either or both, you can head to and start eating and training like an athlete.

For more videos on supplement reviews and the best supplements to take to build muscle, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at
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Where To Buy Cheap Supplement Philippines + Top 3 Supplements to BUILD Muscle FAST | MikeG

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Where To Buy Cheap Supplement Philippines + Top 3 Supplements to BUILD Muscle FAST | MikeG

These supplements can help you build muscle but they are not at all necessary.
You can certainly build muscle without any of these supplements or any supplement for that matter as long as you take care of your nutrition.
Treat these as their name suggests: supplements.
Also, if you are concerned of the effects of any of these supplements might pose to your own health, then please ask a healthcare professional before deciding to add them to your regimen.

My Top 3 Supplements (Timestamp 4:03)




My name is Michael and I make videos about fitness, diet/nutrition, and lifestyle.
I preach and live a lifestyle in which you can combine being fit and healthy in every aspect of life such partying, drinking alcohol, and eating your favorite foods on a daily basis.
The things I learn as a coach, mentor, and researcher I share on this channel and to my other social media accounts.

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